Monday, January 23, 2012

Apple would start for the publication of textbooks

It is said to reinvent the wheel is a thankless task, but it seems that Apple will try to refute this absolute truth. Of course, they construct a vehicle will not be, but for the books decide to take seriously. That development of the market of electronic books, and in particular the educational literature has been devoted recently held a presentation of the company in New York.
To implement their ideas Apple has produced three components: a new version of the application iBooks, iBook Author - a program that creates the book, as well as the educational section of iTunes U.
The above programs can make the book fully interactive. If desired, you can add a book presentations, video, 3D-objects and other features. When reading the users can use the Multi-touch input, as usual for devices based on iOS, as well as built-in twist in the book of the objects as they want. The first such book in the form of application for the iPad was released by former Vice President Al Gore.
The company plans to focus its efforts on niche educational literature. Let it be small, but the electronic aids here account for only 3% of the market, and tremendous growth prospects, as experts predicted in 2020 that figure will rise to 50%. In addition to interest income Apple to education can be further explained by a focus on the subject of Steve Jobs, founder of the company.

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