Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How to increase, attendance, or blog as I increase traffic blog 1 to 999

Good day! Today I will show you how to increase traffic to your blog. Many people, especially novice bloggers, set in such a matter. I'll try to answer you, and drive traffic to your blog.
The most serious mistake new webmasters is that some of them are trying to conquer the top right, to reach more than 1,000 unique visitors a day on his blog. It seems to me, silly. It is necessary to unfold gradually, put some planks for themselves. Of course, if a competent advertising, promotion, and you can go month to several thousand visitors, but it requires experience, money, etc. Therefore, I will talk about the most common methods that will increase attendance at his blog experience of life.kak uvelichit poseschaemost bloga thumb Lesson 78 How to increase traffic to your blog, or as I increase traffic blog with 0 to 1000 How to increase traffic to your blog from 0 to 1000From 0 to 20
When I created the blog, the first bar for me was to achieve attendance of 20 people. Someone will say it is very easy, but knowing what I will tell you that it was given to me oh, how easy. I wanted those same 20 people - it was a minimum. To reach 20 people a day I tried to write the most useful, some foundation, the foundation for the blog. I wanted the reader to read the first article, wanted to stay on the blog, passed other posts and of course I was keen that the reader become a subscriber. From the blog readers who leave comments, I contacted by mail (you can see in the admin email every commentator), thanked everyone for comment, asking more and more to come on a blog, talked about what to expect in the future and asked to subscribe to WPnew.ru .
Also, I asked almost all the friends go to look at the site, evaluate it, ask for advice, where and what is not, that to improve the design, in the articles. In general, I realized that the onlooker sees most of the game. Template for your blog looking for a very long time, I really enjoyed it (by the way, he still stands, probably soon will order a unique template for your blog) and I wrote with love and tried to understand that the key to start, and then everything goes. Overall, I literally fell in love with your blog, I liked him in almost everything. But deep down I knew he was far from ideal that many bugs and other unwanted things. That's why I had to resort to unauthorized persons.
I also commented on other blogs. In an address site, of course, leave your blog address. Moreover, the comments should not be the type of "cool article", "cool", "I liked the author write more!" And should be a meaningful comment. I signed up for RSS feeds to multiple blogs niche (same subject) and watched the tape. I was one of those who left comments first, it was important, because it was necessary to try to leave a comment until an article is relevant. As a result, began the first referrals from other websites, blogs.
kak povysit poseschaemost bloga thumb Lesson 78 How to increase traffic to your blog, or as I increase traffic blog from 0 to 1000Kak increase traffic blog20 to 50
When the plank in 20 people has been achieved, I set myself a new goal - 50 "Unico" (unique visitors) / day. Here's to achieve this, honestly, it was not easy. I wanted to keep everyone who came to my blog visitors. After all these actions have started to appear regular readers. All articles I announced on Twitter. In addition to twitter (What is Twitter?), I have used other social services. Find a social network under our theme is not that hard, just type in Yandex and Google "social network vasha_tematika."
For example, if your blog theme on the internet (website development, promotion, etc.), like me, you can use grabr.ru and webice.ru. At these services simply register, add your announcements. That is, insert the URL address of his office, in the name - something on the subject, and preferably something luring, and the description of the announcement, a short text, which when read even you yourself would want to go to the full article. Such social networks a lot, just need to find something suitable for yourself.
Also, I used to use bobrdobr.ru, memori.ru and other social bookmarks. The truth of these small exhaust. So, now use them almost irrelevant. I also went on to comment on other blogs devoted to this about 10-20 minutes a day, not more. Most importantly, it is advisable to leave comments on all blogs with the same name, with the same avatar and with the correct address of his blog!poseschaemost bloga thumb Lesson 78 How to increase traffic to your blog, or as I increase traffic blog from 0 to 1000
How to increase traffic to your blog.From 50 to 100
After a while I somehow reached the daily attendance of 50 people. There was another plank in 100 people / day. When it won "the coin", felt the presence of regular readers, let them even less than 10, but still I is madly happy. I wanted to keep them from happening. It was necessary to move forward. Now I have to comment primarily on the blogs, where there is a section of top-commentators. With top-commentators let users transfer small, but it is - about 1% (a little more even) from attendance blog. Thanks topu commentators, your name will be on "rumors" that some will recognize you. Also, on most blogs link to the block top commentators closed from indexation, which will allow you to link to the main (!) Pages of the blog. And all this will raise your rates TCI, PR, etc.
I also began to write "series" of articles to increase the number of subscribers to your blog. Began to participate in any contests to get links from other blogs, as well as good prizes. He paid all that much time, but now, I rarely take part in competitions. The reason - lack of time ...
I also enrolled in several forums, and asked to evaluate my blog. Also on the portals, forums in the form of signatures left a link to your blog, and a brief description. Until now, the traffic (visitors) come with some forums, including regional, though I'm on all this has long been abandoned, though in vain.
Besides all this, I did the following. The Internet is a service like Google Questions and Answers, go there and drives a question on the subject of your blog. For example, I scored in the search for "How to create a blog" and I gave Google a certain result. And you answer the question, just try to answer and leave a link to your site so that no one had thought that the blog address you advise me belongs to you, leave it as it quickly. The simplest example here (I left a link to the resource). Answer just a 5-10 questions (the more the better) and, if what you really recommend a quality project, Google users will put the "pros" your comment, causing your comment will rise higher. All this will bring a constant flow of new, important thematic traffic to your blog, so do not miss out on this method. Similarly, we can work with questions and answers Mail.ru.
uvelichit poseschaemost blo thumb Lesson 78 How to increase traffic to your blog, or as I increase traffic blog with 0 to 1000 How to increase traffic to your blog[Yandex]From 100 to 300
I will continue to talk further about how to increase traffic to your blog. Next comes the fun part - namely, search engine optimization. Now, to reach the new standards, it was necessary to optimize a blog article. First of all, I closed from indexation (added nofollow) unnecessary links (such as close links to indexing?), Correct all (!) Article, a little streamlined text, added the title and alt to all (!) Pictures (how to do this). Edited titles and descriptions of the articles with the plug-Platinum SEO Pack (analog better known All in SEO Pack). Also tried to relink the page correctly with each other and to complement added bread crumbs.
And if you do not have a conclusion similar records on the blog, make sure you set. It you take a few minutes, but that you will receive an additional relinking, as well as your visitors to stay on longer, as will be converted to similar records. Also, in any case, try to communicate with readers of his blog, responding to questions and comments. It is therefore imperative to create a blog subscription for comment. During this period, will begin the first letters on the blog with questions, suggestions, recommendations, etc. Try to answer all! Your readers will appreciate your attention, your diligence in solving their problems, and readers will move to the status of subscribers. It was during this period you will start earning a little money. Of course, profit is not always depend on the number of visitors, but if you could outrun "the treasured one hundred", you began to understand a bit actually.povysit poseschaemost bloga thumb Lesson 78 How to increase traffic to your blog, or as I increase traffic blog from 0 to 1000
Attendance blogFrom 300 to 1000
Almost all articles (which is possible) started writing a bit optimized (Be sure to read tutorials on how to write articles and how to promote its search engine). He began to write more often, now I write five days a week, which brings me closer and closer to my goals set. Since I write frequently for the first time did not have enough ideas for new posts, then I realized, you need to carry a notepad with a pen or to write down everything on the phone, as I do. Often, somewhere in the transport, the university, at work or come to different ideas, not only positions but also to improve the blog, I will fix your phone. Thus nothing is forgotten.
When I reached the bar about 300 people / day I "stuck" on the spot. A very long time, my blog could not move forward, and in between koleblelsya 300-400. But what I have optimized all the old articles, began writing a new optimized, over time it has given the result. I started to move in search engines. And in the beginning with the search engines filter is applied to brand new blog, about six months, which is why for many items I "force was lowered down."
Also, all my efforts have begun to notice other bloggers have started to appear natural links to my blog that I can not but rejoice. Thank you
! Besides all this, I bought options with a budget of only 200 USD / month in Rookee, to climb up a few key words. A system of "Hands" (Rookee) and not only I, too soon to tell, and show an example of how and why you need to buy links, and how much we earn it later. Therefore, do not forget, be sure to subscribe to the RSS! I also began to conduct competitions already own (fortunately I can afford it, the budget comes solely from my earned money on the Internet), to set public targets for their own motivation. If I believed that I earn on the internet well, now that earnings from each day more and more, if all goes at such a pace, I fired from his work (which in real life) very soon. And yet, we'll wait, see, how get there.
posetiteli blog thumb Lesson 78 How to increase traffic to your blog, or as I increase traffic blog with 0 to 1000 How to increase traffic to your blogFrom 1000 to 3000 and more
Of course, I will continue to expand and develop their own blogs, etc. I hope the article on how I arrived at from 1,000 to 3,000 visitors per day will be very soon. I want to catch up with my favorite bloggers, Michael Shakin (necessarily watch his blog). Yes, I think its the best blogger in Russia. I like the way he wrote the article. I have something to someone and seek! By the way, read the same Misha "How can I increase traffic to this blog from 350 to 1,000 people for 10 weeks." I'm sure it cherpnete you a lot of new ideas and ways to increase traffic blog.[Yandex]Total
If you want to use wisely all that is written in this article, and yes once, and not only when you reach a certain bracket, I'm sure you are much faster to reach the level of 1000 unique visitors / day. Number of unique visitors, I recommend you look at statistics Liveinternet. Here they are, those very figures that show the number of unique visitors: unikalnye posetiteli thumb Lesson 78 How to increase traffic to your blog, or as I increase traffic blog with 0 to 1000 I hope very soon you'll be thousands, I'll help you in every way in this, so Do not forget to subscribe to RSS.
If you liked this tutorial, I highly recommend you read the very detailed article about how to promote a site.Setting marathon
Dear runners, you will be such a task, you must make sure that traffic on the blog was from 50 people / day. Deadline - March 1, 2011. Who will not reach this target, will be excluded from the marathon. Believe me, some make an effort, you can easily achieve the desired result. I hope I was able to answer the question of how to increase traffic to your blog.
See you at the next interesting and useful lessons for the creation, promotion and monetization of your blog!

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