Monday, January 23, 2012

The President will decide to send troops

Dmitry Medvedev submitted to the Federation Council the proposal to grant the president the right to decide on the operational use of forces Armed Forces outside the territory of Russia. Such a possibility, as reported by the Kremlin press service, it is necessary "to protect the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, the maintenance of international peace and security", in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and federal law on May 31, 1996 . № 61-FZ "On Defense".
The Bill "On Amendments to the federal law" On Defense ", providing the operational use of the Russian armed forces outside the country, Medvedev has signed on November 9. The cases, when the Russian troops could cross over the border to deal with combat tasks, document attributes reflect an attack on the Russian Armed Forces or other troops deployed outside Russia, reflection or prevent aggression against another state; protect Russian citizens abroad, combating piracy and ensuring safety of navigation.
Federal law "On Defense" is supplemented as art. 10, determining - in accordance with the provisions of Art. 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - the order of the decision on the operational use of the President of the Russian Armed Forces units abroad.
According to the project, the decision taken by the President of the Russian Federation under the relevant regulations of the Federation Council (the jurisdiction of which, according to the Constitution, is the question of the possibility of using the Russian Armed Forces outside the territory of Russia). Also the President determines the total number of units the Armed Forces, their areas of operations, the challenges they face and their period of use. In turn, the acquisition and maintenance of these units by the Ministry of Defense.
In addition, in October of a presidential decree was denied the right to refuse recruits to serve outside of Russia. As reported by the press office of the State, the decree "On the appeal in October - December 2009, the Russian Federation citizens for military service and dismissal from military service of citizens, military service by conscription" repealed Section 3 of Presidential Decree 2 April 1993 № 419 "On the appeal of Russian Federation citizens for military service in April - June 1993 and transfer to the reserve soldiers, sailors, sergeants, petty officers and military engineers, have served on time military service." According to this paragraph, with April 1, 1993 acquisition of units Armed Forces, other troops and military units outside of Russia, conscripts carried out only on a voluntary basis.
After the decree Medvedev deputy chief of General Staff Colonel-General Vasily Smirnov said that the Russians are summoned for military service in autumn 2009, will be sent for service on the Russian bases in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, after the required training.

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