Monday, January 23, 2012

The main Santa Claus worry about the future of Russia

The main Santa Claus worry about the future of RussiaOn the eve of the media center RIA Novosti place is not an ordinary press conference: several dozen journalists came to talk and ask questions is not familiar to officials and managers, and chief wizard of the country - the Russian Santa Claus, who visited our city with a two-day visit organized by the city administration in partnership with universal operator "MegaFon".
While gathered eagerly awaiting a fantastic guest, the idea of ​​inviting the Grandfather of the director of Tomsk Tomsk regional branch of the Siberian Branch of OJSC "MegaFon" Dmitri Zhukov.
- We decided to invite Santa Claus from Great Ustyug in Tomsk, in order to make the citizens present. It's not every day you can see the chief magician of the country. Judging by the smiles Tomic, two days willingly and happily interacting with Grandpa, we can conclude that our present success. Incidentally, the Siberian frosts guest does not troubled. Not only is he by nature supposed to love the cold, so before coming to our city he visited in Yakutia, and there is even tougher climate.
Shortly before the journalists brought himself the protagonist of the meeting. Santa Claus was very handsome, very fit and smiling magician. The first thing he shared with the audience his impressions of our city.
- About Tomsk I will most pleasant memories. Your city is very similar to my native land: the same wooden houses, ancient architecture, small streets. But, in fact, I'm in Tomsk is not the first time - said Santa Claus. - I'm here every year, on the night of December 31 to January 1, bestow gifts. Only here for the second quarter, which I spend here, the possibility of exploring the city and talk to people I do not have. And now here in time, so let's call it the first official visit. You know, because I was constantly asking, well, like you around? How do you streets, traffic jams, at home? But this is not important, most importantly - people. Here you go out on the street - light. Not from the garlands or light, and from the smiles. People go and smile at each other, so the city made a good impression, try to come back here.
However, the audience was interested in the topic and more serious. It was impossible to miss the opportunity to learn about the political preferences of Santa Claus. The answer was a worthy tale of a sage.
- It's the right question. I must say I am not an official and never was. I have a Russian passport, I - a citizen of Russia, as I live on the earth, and live. Here's last year in Copenhagen was a worldwide convention of wizards of winter, at which I represented almost all CIS countries. We discussed the question of our place in politics, and I, acting Speaker of the suggested wording: "winter fairy magician - out of politics and out of competition." My Danish colleague proposed to add: and "out of the war," but I do not agree with him - can not stay away, if your land legs trampling foe. And again, I myself have never served in the army, but the rank of general and not appropriated. Remember, Napoleon Bonaparte said: "I won the General Frost." Therefore, as frost enemy because freeze and will.
At the same time Father Frost noted that, contrary to stereotypes, competition with foreign counterparts and, in particular, to become a very popular Santa Claus does not have.
- What is the competition? Competition - it's carve-up of money, but something that we share? Who is the greatest of good deeds done? Stupidity! We are all friends, and the more we will have on the planet, the better!
It was difficult not to notice the discrepancy with the tradition - in Tomsk Russian Santa Claus granted without their usual companion, the Snow Maiden. The corresponding observation magician answered fully in a modern way.
- Maiden in Kostroma, her betrothed there - Lel. She's an adult held the girl, and girls more useless to live with the elderly-parents. But very often we see each other. Right now, for example, a granddaughter comes to me in Ustyug the festival "Christmas Dream".
Not spared fantastic magician and the most modern technology. As acknowledged by Santa Claus, he is registered in all social networks, has an account in the "Twitter", but uses them in person is very rare - in the "computer cases" it can help young aides, but he prefers the traditional handwritten Grandpa letter.
- Regular emails I prefer - they are warm from the hands of their posters. Every letter has a lot to say about the man. A e ... Well, says something on the screen, the letters all the standard ... Who wrote it? The truth or not written? By e-mail message can not be said.
By the way, a visitor from Ustyug talked about the fact that he comes every year quite a few letters of the Tomsk region. In total, over the past year to address it received more than 400,000 letters, including letters and Tomsk citizens with various requests. Moreover, the nature of Christmas letters, said the magician, recently changed a lot.
- If ten years ago, asked for something specific, just a comma to transfer desired, but now the children write: "Grandpa, I do not need gifts from you, I just want to like you, to be a good magician and do good works." But it's your kids write! You could be so? In general, children were cultured in writing letters, they know how to properly prepare, greet and wish good luck and happiness. And these letters are larger, so long as the future of Russia, I worry.
At this writing, not only children: every tenth letter comes from an adult.
- There is a special letter, a letter of confession, when people are not finding understanding, have to share their problems with me. Often they have no return address, and do not need to answer them, because here the person is important to understand that his message to someone read. Alas, such sad, letters, too, is enough.
But social networks - not only attribute the modern Santa Claus. Not so long ago he was given a special stick with built-in GLONASS-tracker. Grandpa thanked for the gift ... and hastened to get rid of.
- Staff with GLONASS I late last year gave the Finnish counterpart Joulupukki. And he did it, I confess, on purpose. We call this staff granddaughter of "traitor", all children are able to use the Internet and can see where now Grandfather Frost - surprises are not obtained because of this. We came quietly, and we have met. Let now a Finnish magician watching!
Shared with the Tomsk citizens Santa Claus and his own secrets of longevity. To always be alert and look great, it is necessary, firstly, to meet more often with good and interesting people, and secondly, it is rational to eat.
- I do not call it a diet, it is "balanced diet": I love all of subsistence - berries, mushrooms, shanezhki, oatmeal pudding. And I advise everyone to eat a real meal. But the "chemistry" I do not like, especially this your Coke - I call it the "blood of Santa Claus."
Concluding the conversation, the Russian Santa Claus Tomsk citizens asked to give one wish for the whole year 2012. He wished us all to be kinder to each other.
- Our problem is that the goodness went out of fashion. Afraid to be good. Everyone is trying to hide behind masks of a sort of "Die Hard." It is believed that if you're so cool, unflappable, so strong. And if vulnerable, sensitive - it's a weakness. Do not believe, my friends! Coarse, unfeeling person is vulnerable, and good man has nothing to fear, because he has many friends! Remember also that Santa Claus always there waiting for him. And if your city will this year perform good deeds than evil, I will come back to reward you for them.

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