Monday, January 23, 2012

This kauchserfer everywhere feels like home

This kauchserfer everywhere feels like home
If translated literally, Couchsurfing means "search for bed." However, the same name social network offers far more possibilities than just spend the night with someone at a party, without paying money for it. This is a real cultural exchange and community people, open communication and mutual support.
Natalia Stepanenko
Casey Fenton, a typical American programmer, decided to create its own independent resource dedicated to the rest of the exchange, almost by accident. In 2000, he was going to relax in Iceland, bought the cheapest ticket on the occasion, had to decide where to stay. And rather than go to travel agencies and hotels to ring, he sent letters to more than 1,500 Icelandic students asking for lodging. Almost immediately, Casey received a letter with an invitation to visit. He was greeted, fed and made this tour of "their" Reykjavik. But most importantly, Casey appreciated how interesting can be a trip if you go beyond the usual tours and see the city and the country through the eyes of local residents. The result was so impressive that on his return he decided to refuse the services of travel agencies and began to develop the resource, then - In January 2003, launched a beta version of the site, and in January of 2004 it became available to the public.
It is worth noting that Casey Fenton was a pioneer in this field. Even before such a resource created by students from Germany Veit Kyue. In 2000 he founded, and undertook to develop the scope of exchange of cultural experiences through travel.
Couchsurfing (kauchserfing) - one of the largest guest network (there is in the form of an online service). Unites nearly 1.8 million members in 237 countries that provide free assistance to each other and stay, to organize joint travel around the world.
Both networks - and, and - are non-profit projects, check their site for free. The profile member can talk about their hobbies, travel experiences, language ability, place pictures and to indicate whether he could receive visitors. If you can - how much of the preferred gender, living conditions, what transport goes to his house and so forth.
Even if you can not receive visitors at home, you can just meet and chat - many travelers stay with no problems. The problem for many people - to find a good guide that would show the city the way it sees local residents spent the most interesting places. The profile also displays the responses of other participants, links to profiles of friends, contribute to the development of the project. In general, information about the person enough to decide whether you are ready to take it at home or go to visit him.
People who once plunged into the atmosphere kauchserfinga, with its adventures and new acquaintances, do not want to go back to the usual travel. "I do kauchserfingom the fall of 2007, during which time he visited France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. This type of holiday gives me the drive, positive, feeling that the world is very small and you admit it that way in my life. In my close circle of new friends kauchserferov. Since 2007, I once traveled in the usual way and no longer want. Kauchserfing - something unpredictable happen and unforeseen circumstances. The last time less than 12 hours before departure, my host (the host) said that he could not see me, and I have managed over time to find other people willing to help. It's like a big family. In Innsbruck, in the end my host does not kauchserfer: serfersha girl could not, gave me the coordinates of the chain to the guy who also could not, but he met me at the station with another guy who was my host, "- said Katya Kabanova from Russia.
If a participant decided to take a trip, taking advantage of the hospitality kauchserferov, he wrote a letter asking him to take. Such a letter usually indicates general information: date of arrival, number of days to be held in the seat than I would like to do. Problems with communication should arise, as the official language of the site - English. Work is under way to translate it into other languages, including Russian, but the participants prefer to communicate in English to people from other countries to understand what is happening in a particular city, easy to read profiles, and find useful information and to participate in general the discussions. However, if English is a problem, you can refer to, which is available in 35 languages, including Russian.
Russia are visited by people from different countries, and thanks kauchserfingu they have a chance to see not only the Arbat and Red Square. They travel to Russia, get acquainted with our culture and, like the Russian kauchserfery already can not imagine traveling on turputevkami. "Kauchserfingom engaged somewhere three years ago. I had heard much about it from friends and acquaintances, but decided to try only when I got their own apartment. For all the time, I visited six countries, Russia was the last. For me kauchserfing - an opportunity to know new people. Having tried it once, to travel through the travel agency just not interested, "- said Christian Hagstrom from Sweden.
Many travelers to stay is no problem. The problem - to find a good guide that would show the city the way it sees local residents spent the most interesting places
In large cities, periodically hold meetings of members Couchsurfing, which come as a local kauchserfery and guests of the city. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, learn about the culture of other countries and travel characteristics in a particular region of the world. "While visiting friends in Vladimir, I met a guy from London (originally from Lithuania), who a few months traveling through Europe and Asia, and eventually ended up in Japan. He said he was going to India, spoke about Couchsurfing, I thought about it and decided to join him during his two-week trip. I'm getting from kauchserfinga many pleasant experiences, meet new people and that is also very important, very cheap or even free hosting "- says Bob the United States.
Since Couchsurfing - self-governing community, the participants themselves provide security in his journey, it pays much attention. There are a number of mechanisms to help deal with the situation and possibly help others. First, a system of reviews you can share your thoughts about the other party after meeting with him (it is recommended to leave feedback only after a personal acquaintance in real life). Second, you can add another party to friends. It also notes how, and when met, the general opinion about the person. To add to friends both parties have to consent. Going into the profile member of the community, you can see how many brokers you know him. Third, there is a system of sponsorship. Credits can vouch for the party, which is well known. Later, when a man will charge three, he can vouch for the others.
Finally, there is a system authentication name and address of the user. The procedure consists of three steps. The first - the user enters his real name and blocks the ability to change it. Second - it sends a certain amount (a voluntary matter, if the participant does not wish to participate in the confirmation, it does not affect its communication on the resource) with his credit card account on Couchsurfing. For payment details of the site can verify the correctness of the specified name. The third step - the user is sent a postcard to the specified address them stay. If the card is received, the address is confirmed. After this, the user profile a green check mark, meaning that it confirmed their data.
In any case, your own common sense - the best precaution. Carefully read the pages of people before you meet them, clearly indicate the conditions of communication on your page. If between you and another kauchserferom disagreement, try to find a way out. Sometimes the cause of the conflict are cultural differences, and differences in attitudes and beliefs. Take a look at the problem from different angles. Couchsurfing has a grievance commission - a team of volunteers willing to help cope with the problems that you can not solve on their own.
However, before turning to the commission, think about what you expect from it. Remember, the government also decide only those issues that relate to the work site or community life. Travelling or taking guests, remember that Couchsurfing - a global community. And, as in any society, there is not always smooth. Every time you write a review, carefully read someone else's page or something to discuss with other members, you provide security kauchserfinga.

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